2010, what can I say...not my best year, but not my worst either.
Good things that happened: I had a successful solo show. I went whale watching in Mexico and got to touch whales, even a baby one! Both my kids graduated. My daughter got into the art college of her dreams. My son started high school and is still there. I (nervously) did an overhead presentation of drawings about my life. I made some rocking mosaics. I started teaching again. I'm still married, and better yet, I still really love my husband. I got 6 more chickens. I rode a horse for the first time after being afraid to my whole life. I'm healthy. I started baking (big time). I made some new friends. I drove by myself from Portland to San Jose (this is kind of a major one, I used to be afraid to drive in unknown territory and I don't really like cars). I'm still making art, everyday.
Bad things that happened: My dad passed away. I got a little bit fat. My daughter moved away to go to college. I got bi-focals. I started teaching again.
So the good outweighs the bad, mostly, except for the dad part. I hope they're right about the whatever doesn't kill you, business.
What I hope to accomplish in 2011: Overcome another fear (snakes, public restrooms, knitting?), make more clay art, learn again to throw pots, start my illustrated novel (really, its about love, revenge and PTSD), sell enough art so I don't have to teach much, get rid of my little bit of fatness, grow lots of things, smile more, be patient and don't fight with others, love, make creme brulee, sleep 8 hours a night, actually write my blog every now and then.
Upcoming Shows (more on this soon):
"The Bird Show "
January 8 - February 6
Cactus Gallery
4534 Eagle Rock Blvd.
Eagle Rock, CA 90041 - 323.256.6117
"Love Crazy"
Jan. 24th to Feb. 15th
Psycho Donuts in Campbell.
reception: Sat. Feb. 5th from 10AM to 3PM.
Image above: "I'll Rip Your Head Off (Bitch)" 2010
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