Wednesday, January 26, 2011


February 14, some of us love it, waiting patiently, our hearts all aflutter, thinking that this Valentine's day will take the cake; champagne, flowers, candy, romance...fat chance. Let's face it Valentine's Day usually sucks. It's a yearly reminder of relationships gone wrong, a sleepless, sexless night when the best you can hope for is the last box of crappy Russell Stover chocolates picked up on his way home from work. Or maybe your wife will buy you a new pack of tighty whities at Target because she's sick of seeing you in those blown out chodies you insist on wearing.

Let's change all that! I have an idea, why don't you come and check out one of my upcoming shows, my etsy shop or my website and buy your #1 lover a painting or print that explores the heartwarming or heartshattering side of love...your choice! I have tons of new work out there...check it out, it might just make your February 14th memorable for all the right reasons!

Current and Upcoming Shows:

A Murder of Crows and Other Avian Stories

through March 6

Opening Reception: Saturday, February 12


Cactus Gallery

4534 Eagle Rock Blvd

Eagle Rock (Los Angeles) CA 90041

The Annual "LOVE/HATE" Exhibit
Love and hate are two of the most passionate emotions a person can feel. They both can cause strong out comes,
sometimes even insanity. Most everyone has felt either the intense happiness or that profound hurt because of love. This Valentine season is a great time for artists and poets to share these emotions. Through paintings, photography, sculpture, poetry/spoken word or song.......people are coming together to express themselves with art.

Opening Reception: Saturday, February 12th, 5pm – 8pm

Show dates: February 1st through February 26th

4130 Norse Way
Long Beach, CA 90808

*NEW Hours: Tue,Thurs, Fri NOON-5pm
Saturday 10am-5pm

Love Sick: An Anti Valentine's Day Event

Psycho Donuts Campbell

Reception: Sat February 5


Get ready, because you're gonna be Lovesick! Our kickoff event for the Valentine's Day season is coming up on

Saturday, February 5! Lovesick is the place to pick up a piece of original artwork inspired by the effects of love (which are not always positive). If you're truly feeling lovesick, come to

Lovesick for some good 'ole Psycho Karaoke in the Padded Cell, with our good friend Bruce Rogers of Korkaraoke. And of course, your favorite Psycho

Valentine's Day donuts will be on hand - who remembers Shot Thru the Heart, and Blueballs??

Don't forget my etsy shop!


Friday, January 21, 2011

Be an Art Collector!

When people come into my house, I'm always asked, "Where'd you get all this cool art?". Well,for me art is all consuming. I want to live an artful life, so as my days are filled with artmaking, my weekends are filled with visiting galleries, artist's studios and art fairs. Collecting art for me is exciting as well as inspiring and I love that at home I'm surrounded with the work of artists I love. I'm also not one of those artists that have my own work plastered all over my own house, not that there's anything wrong with that, I just think it's more exciting to love and support other artists!

Some people think that collecting original art is an expensive hobby, well I beg to differ! So much original work is way more affordable than framed prints or bad decorator pieces that so many people insist on putting OTC (over the couch). On top of owning a one-of-a-kind piece, you are also investing in an artist's future. Any hey, you never know they might just become the next Picasso!

So where do you start? There are many cool websites where you can buy killer affordable pieces. for example, one of my favorite websites and a place where I sell my own work There's also a really cool site that features tons of original art. There's also and places that host artist's websites where you can find tons of stuff that fits both your taste and your budget.

Visiting artist's studios is also a great way to meet artists and see their work. Many cities host Open Studio Tours where loads of artists will have their studios open to the public on a given weekend. You could also visit galleries, its really a fun way to spend your weekends. I know the perception is that all galleries are expensive and intimidating, but there are tons of co-op galleries where local artist show affordable art...I show at one called Kaleid here in San Jose and most cities have one or more of these types of galleries. Even coffee houses and small restaurants show and sell great art these days. I've sold a ton of stuff at a donut shop! There are also some pretty good art fairs (there are some pretty cheesy ones too). I like Bazaar Bizarre Bazaar and Renegade Craft Fair or art and craft items and here in NorCal the Sausalito & Capitola Art Festivals are pretty good (although alot of the art can be pretty conservative for my taste).

If you're an artist, many other artists are more than willing to trade. I've scored some awesome pieces this way. It never hurts to ask, contact artists that you see on line if they'd be interested. Artists are also interested in bartering, if you have a skill you may be alse to trade it for some awesome art!

Here's a small sampling of pics from my collection, now go out and start one of your own! And please if you have any suggestions of good places to buy original art post it here!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Illustration Friday: Chicken, Fowl Love

Even though I live in a city of about a million people I have chickens. Urban chickens I think is the term used today. I have 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Buff Orpingtons and 2 Barred Rock Chickens. We call them the F troop - Francis, Fern, Flora, Fanny, Fiona and Frieda. This is our 3rd flock of chickens. We keep the D girls over at the organic botany garden my husband runs at the school where he teaches. Chickens are not as dumb as everyone thinks, they're quite clever, really, and affectionate. I've grown fond of my birds...I have Fowl Love.

Friday, January 7, 2011

A Murder of Crows and Other Avian Stories

I'm in this show this weekend in the LosAngeles area, if you're near there, check it out!

A Murder of Crows and Other Avian Stories
( 4th annual bird themed exhibit
Show runs January 8 - March 6, 2011

5th Annual Miniatures Show

Monday, January 3, 2011

2010 in a Nutshell: A so-so year in review

2010, what can I say...not my best year, but not my worst either.

Good things that happened: I had a successful solo show. I went whale watching in Mexico and got to touch whales, even a baby one! Both my kids graduated. My daughter got into the art college of her dreams. My son started high school and is still there. I (nervously) did an overhead presentation of drawings about my life. I made some rocking mosaics. I started teaching again. I'm still married, and better yet, I still really love my husband. I got 6 more chickens. I rode a horse for the first time after being afraid to my whole life. I'm healthy. I started baking (big time). I made some new friends. I drove by myself from Portland to San Jose (this is kind of a major one, I used to be afraid to drive in unknown territory and I don't really like cars). I'm still making art, everyday.

Bad things that happened
: My dad passed away. I got a little bit fat. My daughter moved away to go to college. I got bi-focals. I started teaching again.

So the good outweighs the bad, mostly, except for the dad part. I hope they're right about the whatever doesn't kill you, business.

What I hope to accomplish in 2011:
Overcome another fear (snakes, public restrooms, knitting?), make more clay art, learn again to throw pots, start my illustrated novel (really, its about love, revenge and PTSD), sell enough art so I don't have to teach much, get rid of my little bit of fatness, grow lots of things, smile more, be patient and don't fight with others, love, make creme brulee, sleep 8 hours a night, actually write my blog every now and then.

Upcoming Shows (more on this soon):

"The Bird Show
January 8 - February 6
Cactus Gallery
4534 Eagle Rock Blvd.
Eagle Rock, CA 90041 - 323.256.6117

"Love Crazy"
Jan. 24th to Feb. 15th
Psycho Donuts in Campbell.
reception: Sat. Feb. 5th from 10AM to 3PM.

Image above: "I'll Rip Your Head Off (Bitch)" 2010