Saturday, May 5, 2012

Save the Dates: June 1st & 2nd!

Hey Peoples,
I have 2 cool shows coming up! So mark your calendar...

I'm really excited because for the first time I'll be participating in the Fifth Annual SubZero Festival in Downtown San Jose on Friday evening June 1st. Focused on emerging and present subcultures thriving in our region, SubZERO is a diy, artistically bent, hi/lo-techno mashup where street meets geek. Come downtown on June 1st to San Jose's SoFA District from 6pm 'til midnight for an inspired evening of arts & culture. In addition to the South FIRST FRIDAYS monthly art walk you'll find outdoor stages of entertainment plus artists, performers & musicians celebrating the indie creative spirit! I'll have a booth with lots of new originals, prints and even a Murphy-esque photo booth!  So come out and see me, SubZero is unlike any festival you've ever been to!

FRIDAY JUNE 1, 2012 from 6pm-midnight
SoFA district in downtown San Jose
(on South First Street between San Carlos & Reed Streets)


 The Good , the Bad and the Bugly :  at Psycho Donuts in Campbell

I've been working on some bug pieces and seeing how I've been married to a beekeeper for a gazillion years I think I may do a bee painting or 2 ...images coming soon!

The buzz at Psycho Donuts is getting louder! The Good, The Bad, and The Bugly is a light-hearted take on the comical side of bugs, featuring local artists whose works perfectly channel the off-kilter vibe at Psycho Donuts. Original artwork is available for sale - starting for as little as $40!

The Good, The Bad, and The Bugly runs from May 26 - June 26, 2012 at Psycho Donuts Campbell.

Donut miss the Artist's Reception on Saturday, June 2nd, from 10am - 3pm at Psycho Donuts Campbell.

The show includes works from the following artists: Christine Benjamin, Murphy Adams, Sheri Debow, Carlos Villez, Lacey Bryant, Michael Foley, Nicolas Caesar, Laura Callin Bennett, John Renzel, Jared Konopitski, Kori Thompson, John Cloud, Laura Zarrin, John Hageman, Michelle Waters, Anthony Barbaria, and more.

At 2pm, take a short break from the artwork and check out our 3rd Annual Donut Pizza Eating Contest! More details at:

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