Friday, September 10, 2010

Donuts and beer and zombies, oh my! New Zombie Art at Psycho Donuts Downtown SJ!

Hey kids, There's a new Psycho donuts opening in downtown San Jose where Camera 3 theatres is located. I've been channeling my inner killer/brain eater and creating some new zombie pieces for their upcomong show! It opens Thursday night September 16th from 6-9pm, come by and see me! Lots of fun haps...
Info follows!

It's True! Psychos infilitrating Downtown San Jose

Psycho Fans --

The corner of 2nd and San Carlos is a quiet, unassuming corner. But what might make a peaceful Downtown San Jose corner go crazy? We're giddy to announce the official launch of San Jose Psycho Donuts! You'll find the newest Psycho Donuts ("SJPD") under the same crazy roof as ComedySportz and Camera 3 Theaters. At the crossroads of San Jose State University, San Jose Convention Center, and the SOFA District - look for a demented pyramid of crazy donuts/drinks, comedy, and movies. It just may be the coolest combined attraction to infiltrate San Jose!

On Thursday September 16, join us for our official Psycho San Jose Launch Event - Donut Stop Laughing - from 6:00pm - 9:00pm. Get a sneak peek at our new store, try a free donut sample, see some live comedy sketches from our friends at ComedySportz, and more! Stay tuned to our Facebook Page for all the details.

SJPD Official Launch: Friday, September 17! Psycho Donuts will inflict San Jose customers with crazy donuts and light-hearted fun. Watch as we transform 2nd and San Carlos over the coming weeks, with the creative help of Avila Studios. Come visit us on opening weekend!

Here's what we're bringing to Downtown San Jose. Buckle in, because San Jose's gonna go wild!

...All the crazy Psycho Donuts you've come to know and lust after. Enjoy your donut on our new Psycho Patio. It's people-watching with a crazy donut in hand. What could be better? Donut be concerned about parking; because the SJPD parking garage is directly overhead! Spend $5 on crazy donuts and you'll walk out with a crooked smile and a parking validation in hand! It wouldn't be Psycho Donuts without crazy artwork for sale. Check out original artwork from local artists such as Christine Benjamin, Simon Salas, Murphy Adams, and many more. Padded Pfoto Cell? New and improved...
Seating for 30+ crazy customers inside and out - and serious coffee drinks, in conjunction with our good friends from Tony's Coffee. One Psycho latte coming right up! Would you like our Caffeinated or Placebo blend?! How about a Psycho Pstrawberry Psmoothie? Comin' right up! Just ask one of our Psycho Nurse Baristas!


Scariously, have you ever seen a donut shop selling beer and wine? That's fermented! It may take us a few weeks to get the beer and wine flowing, but its coming, so save your thirst! Donut and wine pairing events? More beer-filled donuts? Believe it!


Psycho Donuts is teaming up with ComedySportz, the Bay Area's Interactive, Improvised Comedy Experience. What could be better? Grab a donut from the Nurse on Duty, and get yourself tickets to the funniest and longest-running comedy show in the South Bay.

Camera 3 has always been known for creative and discriminating films. That won't change. But let's just say that some of their upcoming film choices will be inspired by a certain cult donut shop now possessing (yes, we meant it that way) their theater lobby. Pick up some Psycho Popcorn from the Nurse on Duty and enjoy the show! Here are a few dates you'll want to remember:

Even with all the new fun at SJPD, our nurses at Psycho Donuts Campbell will always be there for you. We hope to see you at SJPD, beginning September 17, located at 288 S. 2nd Street, San Jose, CA 95113.